John Cena Celebrated the Bella Twins Hitting 900,000 Youtube Followers By Playing ‘Where Is My Mind’ on Piano

You’ve never seen Cena quite like this.

The Bella Twins’ Youtube channel recently hit 900,000 subscribers. They celebrated with something completely unexpected: The undeniably emo video above of a subdued and thoughtful-looking John Cena playing a very musical and slightly eerie piano cover of The Pixies’ “Where Is My Mind.”

To which we say, what?

Cena helping out his smoking hot fiancee Nikki Bella is nothing new. The video above is ample demonstration—Cena went buck naked with Nikki when the channel hit the half-million mark. 

The fact that John Cena can play a pop standard with care and pretty decent musicianship, however, is something else. Seriously, it wasn’t that shocking when The Rock sang “You’re Welcome” as part of the cast of Moana. Dwayne Johnson has proven he’s willing to give anything a try in the name of entertainment, and the song sounded like, well, The Rock singing

This, however, seems to reveal that Cena’s been hiding several different levels under all that muscle. If it’s a small step in his Rock-inspired journey to conquering Hollywood, it’s a damn clever one. 

It seems inevitable that The Bella Twins will top a million subscribers in no time. What then? Cena strumming Green Day’s “Time of Your Life” in the nude? 

That doesn’t seem too crazy now.

Maybe with The Rock putting himself out there as a singing actor and Cena unveiling his piano chops we can look forward to some kind of WWE touring musical. 

If, that is, the Bella Twins can sing. If they can’t, they can still churn out some very understandably popular Instagram posts. Check out a few of those below.

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