This Week in Weird Sports: Rogaining

Unfortunately, it’s not a contest of who can grow chemically helped hair the fastest.

Unfortunately, it’s not a contest of who can grow chemically helped hair the fastest.

“You know what people love?” thought Charles Cockhammer, our fictional inventor of Rogaining, “Compasses. Or is it ‘compassi?’ No, it’s compasses, I’m pretty sure. Anyway, people really seem to dig navigating by compass, so let’s hide some flags in, like, the forest or the hills or crags or something and send people looking for those flags with a compass. And a map.” And so was born the “sport” of rogaining.

How it works: teams of 2-5 people are given a map with flag locations and a time limit. Points are given for each flag reached in that time limit. Teams are allowed to head toward whichever points in whichever order they so choose. Championship rogaining matches last 24 hours, while amateur or “pussy” matches can last as little as two hours.

For more information, head to the home of international rogaining. See how much fun those two heterosexual women are having? Bundles. Oodles of it.

If you’re feeling really adventurous, subscribe to the rogaining twitter feed. Then sit in silent contemplation of the life decisions that have brought you to subscribing to the rogaining twitter feed.

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