What We’re Watching Today: Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Zombies

And Action Bronson on Letterman plus Archer’s fantastic voyage.

Here’s what we’re doing to pass the time .

What We’re Watching Right Now

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tackling the independent zombie movie with his upcoming movie Maggie, (also starring Abigail Breslin) and the first trailer suggests one of the most human takes on the genre.

What We’re Watching Later When We’re Bored

Action Bronson hit up The Late Show with David Letterman last night to perform “Baby Blue” with Chance the Rapper. (If you haven’t yet, check out the official, Coming to America-themed music video.) 


What We’re Watching Tonight

Archer is airing a two-part special based on Fantastic Voyage called, “Drastic Voyage.” Catch the first half of it tonight on FX at 10 PM EST.

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