What We’re Watching Today: The End of “The Americans”

Plus J.J. Abrams practically frenching Chewbacca and a crotchety old man saying “f*ck the Earth.”

If you choose not to enjoy the wonders of natural beauty on this Earth Day, stare at a screen indoors and watch these:

What We’re Watching Right Now

Every Earth Day, we like to rewatch this classic video: “Fuck the Earth Day.” Seriously though, please recycle regularly.

What We’re Watching Later When We’re Bored

Chewbacca and J.J. Abrams took the Twizzler challenge on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” Watch if you’d like to see what it looks like when a renowned director frenches a Wookie.


What We’re Watching Tonight

It’s the last episode in the dark, twisted third season of “The Americans” tonight (FX, 10 EST) and we can’t wait to see how it all ends. 

Photos by James Minchin/FX

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