What We’re Watching Today: The Latest Show Of Them All

Plus a new Mission Impossible spot, and John Oliver schooling us in municipal violations

Here’s what we’re sizzling our brains with to help us forget that it’s Monday. 

What We’re Watching Right Now

The first teaser spot for Mission: Impossible – Rouge Nation dropped last night. Look out for the full trailer later today.

What We’re Watching Later When We’re Bored

“Municipal violations” is a term that usually makes our eyes glaze over, but watching John Oliver break down their related injustices makes for a highly entertaining 17 minutes.

What We’re Watching Tonight

Alright, technically this is happening at 12:35 AM on Tuesday morning. But James Corden is taking over The Late Late Show, and opening strong with appearances by Mila Kunis and Tom Hanks.

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