What We’re Watching Today: We’re Heading to Hollywood…Florida

We've also been treated to the first Entourage film trailer,and Ronda Rousey putting the moves on Jimmy Fallon.

We’ve almost made it halfway through the week. Here’s how we’re rewarding our minor achievement: 

What We’re Watching Right Now

MMA champ Ronda Rousey demonstrated her infamous armbar on Jimmy Fallon last night, and you bet your balls he picked a safe word ahead of time.

What We’re Watching Later When We’re Bored

At last, the first full trailer for the Entourage movie. Continuing with today’s theme of female MMA fighters, Turtle get his ass kicked by one.

What We’re Watching Tonight

It’s the series premiere of Big Time in Hollywood, FL, the best depiction of two delusional manchildren since Stepbrothers captivated us in 2008. Feel decidedly grown up (or relate too heavily) on Comedy Central at 10:30 EST.

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