What We’re Watching This Weekend: The Dark, Twisted Maps to the Stars

Along with a Dakota Johnson Saturday Night Live and a few fresh premieres. 

Forget the damn dress. There are way more interesting things to be focusing your energy on this weekend. 

What We’re Watching Tonight 

You have two solid movie choices for this Friday.

Maps to the Stars is a grotesque, twisted satire about the entertainment industry that’s not to be missed.

If you want straight horror, there’s The Lazarus Effect, in which a group of medical students discover how to bring the dead back to life. Something goes horribly awry, and Olivia Wilde comes back as an evil zombie. (She still manages to look beautiful.)


What We’re Watching on Saturday

Dakota Johnson is hosting SNL with the Alabama Shakes. The promo she filmed with Taran Killam convinced us to tune in. 

What We’re Watching on Sunday

The Last Man on Earth, Will Forte’s new show about being just that, premieres on Fox at 9 PM. It’s an irreverent situational comedy about the bleakest of situations. If you want to check out the new Vince Gilligan detective show, Battle Creek is on CBS at 10 PM. Be forewarned, though: It’s no Breaking Bad. 

Photos by Caitlin Cronenberg/©Focus World/Courtesy Everett Collection

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