Why Marshawn Lynch kept chicken wings in his sock

We get answers. And this exclusive photo.

Beasting is hungry work. It turns out Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch has been hiding more than just log-sized calves in his tube socks. As the Internetdiscoveredthisweek, he also uses them for food storage in a pinch. Maxim was on the scene at the free youth football clinic in Oakland where Lynch stashed a handful of hot wings into his hosiery last Saturday. It was the ninth year Lynch has hosted a charity camp for kids in his hometown; this year’s full-day event drew more than 800 participants.

We took this photo. After camp, we asked him about the sock.

“My auntie fried up some chicken and I had my hands full, and I don’t have no pockets on my shorts, so I just had to use what I had,” he explained.

Makes sense. That’s a Nintendo-print motif on the socks, by the way. Of course.

And just so we’re all clear:

Photos by Jeff Bercovici

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