‘World’s Hottest Grandma’ Launches Topless OnlyFans Calendar After Clashing With Instagram and TikTok
“I think I am successful because my page is a huge tease unlike others who give a lot away for free and show everything they had for breakfast.”

Gina Stewart, known by her fans as the “World’s Hottest Grandma,” is offering a peak at her topless OnlyFans content via a 2021 pinup calendar.
The 50-year-old Aussie, who has a young grandchild, rose to fame after making the finals of Maxim Australia/New Zealand’s 2018 “Maxim’s Finest” contest. Though ultimately eliminated, Stewart brilliantly parlayed her performance in the model search into an influencing career…but not without incident.
She’s clashed with social media platforms over her posting of racy content. After a topless photo was removed from Instagram, she uploaded a second equally scant shot captioned, “Regarding the Instagram photo ban, “What do you think? Is this ok? It’s not too hot for Instagram….. right?”
Stewart was also “furious” when her TikTok clips were censored just 24 days after she joined the video sharing service.
“I started a TikTok on the weekend and posted two TikToks. They lasted only 24 hours as both videos were censored,” she previously told The Sun. “I looked up the guidelines and I did not contravene, so I’m not sure what was going on.” TikTok has particularly stringent community guidelines that state “sexually explicit or gratifying content is not allowed.”
But anything’s game on OnlyFans, and her most popular images featured on the adult subscription service are being featured in the calendar, according to the Sun.
“I’m selling it through my store just in time for Christmas. I think it’s the world’s first OnlyFans calendar,” she said.
OnlyFans has proven to be a cash cow for Stewart, who says that she’s entered the top 1 percent of the platform’s earners since joining in March.
“I think I am successful because my page is a huge tease unlike others who give a lot away for free and show everything they had for breakfast.”
Custom content has also been a reliable source of revenue. While she offers personalized happy birthday messages and wakeup calls, Stewart also isn’t afraid to delve into X-rated territory and rate men’s packages on a scale of 1 to 10.
“I have been paid to rate the most well-endowed to the smallest,” she told the Sun. “I think men just love to know a woman’s thoughts on what we really think about them. They must feel safe with doing this on OnlyFans.”
Stewart’s “Topless Best of OnlyFans 2021 Calendar” is available to purchase on her website for $26. See a few more of her greatest recent ‘grams below: