Watch Robert DeNiro & Zac Efron Party Together in the Dirty Grandpa Trailer

It's a May-December bromance.

Spring Break is a multi-generational family affair in Dirty Grandpa, the upcoming comedy starring Robert DeNiro as a recent widower eager to sow his oats, and Zac Efron as his more uptight grandson.

But based on the trailer, Efron doesn’t stay wound up for too long — his grandfather convinces him to go to Daytona Beach for Spring Break, much to the chagrin of his fiancée (Julianne Hough). Down there, DeNiro gets lucky when he meets a young woman (Aubrey Plaza) with a thing for older dudes and some seductive zingers, like “I want you to tear open my bra like it’s a social security check.” 

Also: Efron smokes crack. (Accidentally. Sort of.)

Dirty Grandpa opens in January 2016.

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