Why The Gurkha Nicaragua Series Is The Perfect Super Bowl Cigar
Fired up and ready to go.
Presented by Gurkha
While Cuba still enjoys a well-deserved reputation for making fine cigars, many discerning aficionados actually prefer smokes made from Nicaraguan tobacco, which often produces better cigars at much cheaper prices. The tiny nation of Nicaragua has long been renowned for its verdant fields full of top-quality tobacco, which make flavorful stogies spanning from the wonderfully smooth to the beautifully bold and spicy.
So it’s great news that Gurkha has rolled out its first Nicaraguan Puro cigar–that’s a stogie comprised of tobaccos grown in only one country–with the Nicaragua Series. It’s produced at the Aganorsa Leaf factory in Nicaragua and consists only of pure, Aganorsa-grown tobacco. Gurkha’s Nicaragua Series is also made with a Corojo ’99 wrapper, two Corojo ’99 binders and a filler mix of Corojo ’99 and Criollo ’98 filler.
The Nicaragua Series comes in four sizes: Robusto, which measures 5 inches by 52 ring gauge; Toro, 6 by 54; Belicoso, 6 1/8 by 52; and Magnum, 6 by 60. They cost anywhere from $9.75 to $10.95 each, and are available in 20-count boxes. The affordably-priced Nicaragua Series has garnered rave reviews from critics, with Cigar & Spirits magazine naming it one of the 20 best cigars of 2019.
For anyone looking to smoke a quality stogie during the Super Bowl, the medium-to-full-bodied Nicaragua Series–Gurkha’s fullest-flavored cigar made with Aganorsa Leaf–certainly fits the bill. It’s an ideal cigar to light up after scarfing pizza, wings and other hearty game day grub. It also pairs well with a fine whiskey or other spirt of your choosing, should you be celebrating (or commiserating) during the Big Game.
Gurkha also worked with Aganorsa on the Gurkha Treinta celebrating the company’s 30th anniversary, so there’s more than one Nicaraguan smoke to choose from. Visit your local cigar shop to see if either Gurkha style is in stock, and go to gurkhacigars.com for more cigars and accessories.