Pabst Blue Ribbon Drops Peach Hard Tea Just In Time For Summer
PBR jumps into the hard iced tea game with a brew containing “bold black tea and natural peach flavor.”

Spring is coming on like gangbusters, and this is a time when many would normally start thinking about backyard barbecues and maybe even some no-frills Pabst Blue Ribbon beer (PBR).
Beer is obviously great, but Pabst is bent on further expanding its offerings with an especially summer-friendly drink: Hard Tea Peach.

PBR’s “Hard Tea Peach” is pretty straightforward, description-wise, with “bold black tea and natural peach flavor blend into a refreshing, satisfying brew.”
Delish notes that reviews of the tea began popping up online in March 2020, and they were fairly positive for the 100 calorie, 4 percent ABV drink.
Even in a very strange time in history, when coronavirus pandemic measures are dictating much of the world stay indoors, people are still thinking of warmer weather and outdoor gatherings, hoping perhaps that we won’t need to restrict ourselves so much by the time summer has truly arrived.
If that’s the case, PBR’s new hard tea will have some competition—online beverage retailer Drizly has pages of various hard iced teas, including classics like Twisted Tea and lesser-known brands like “Hey Y’all Half & Half.”
Delish reports that PBR’s Hard Tea Peach isn’t in wide distribution yet. Once summer is truly here, hit up whatever local stores are still open to look for it. Hard tea prices on Drizly range from $15 for some 12-packs up to nearly 60 bucks—expect PBR’s new tea to fall somewhere on the low end.