The ‘Super Troopers’ Guys Are Making Whiskey-Flavored Maple Syrup With WhistlePig Distillery
WhistlePig’s “Super Trooper ‘Stache Syrup” is a totally sweet gift for Broken Lizard fans.

The unexpected brand partnership between WhistlePig Distillery and Broken Lizard’s Super Troopers may be kind of a mess, but I’m still probably buying this limited edition Maple Syrup collab from the acclaimed American rye whiskey.
Super Troopers ‘Stache Syrup (a specially-packaged version of WhistlePig’s Barrel-Aged Maple Syrup) is a genius advertising idea: put two beloved Vermont brands in a room together and let the nostalgia make art, or something like it.
WhistlePig makes maple syrup; the Super Troopers love chugging maple syrup (responsibly). And as far as we’re concerned, that’s just what has happened—the coolest part being this 90-second, Super Bowl-worthy PSA, equal parts smart writing and shameless, nostalgia load-bearing callbacks.
Everything comes back around to WhistlePig’s own recipe for a Maple Old Fashioned—an easy-to-remember recipe with their booze and their syrup (“three parts whiskey, two bar spoons maple, one dash bitters, do eet…”).
Is this the elder Millennial-baiting lowbrow whiskey partnership of the year? Probably. Maple syrup may be a little too on the nose. And a free mustache on every limited edition bottle has the same obviousness as Kahlua offering bathrobes and bowling balls in four years, when it’s time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Big Lebowski.

Of course, I’ll be damned if I won’t be buying that bottle of Kahlua and some Stoli for a movie night, though The Big Lebowski actually made an impact on the consumption of the White Russian in the last 25 years) it’s hard to be quite as excited about a 13th anniversary.
I’ll happily scramble to secure a few bottles of this limited-edition syrup from the WhistlePig site as it goes live, but I’m hoping this is the start of something ongoing between these two cult favorite brands. Even the Kingsman sequel got an entire bottle of Old Forester bourbon — I think there’s more syrup in these trees.
Generally speaking, everything they’re pitching in this partnership is great. WhistlePig makes some of the best maple syrup on the market, let alone in the cocktail world, and Piggyback Rye is a great bar staple, for Maple Old Fashioneds or otherwise, and they’re all available at
As for the limited-edition Maple Syrup: Troopers Edition, it’s available on the WhistlePig website, while supplies last. And they won’t for long, because for once, dudes of a certain age will know exactly what to get their estranged college buddies for gift-giving occasions.
As for next year, let’s hope the partnership continues. And let’s hope both creative teams dig even deeper for the next round. If nothing else, add a second bottle size to the store and call it a large Farva.