This ‘Gaming Bed’ Is The Ultimate Way for Gamers To Self-Quarantine

Bauhutte Gaming Bed Promo.jfif



We thought Acer’s $14,000 Predator Thronos Air throne was the ultimate gamer accessory. But what if you need want to take a cat nap, fire off an email or grab refreshments in between Call of Duty: Warzone battles royale without moving your feet? 


Enter this gaming bed concept by Japanese company Bauhutte. First spotted in the U.S. by PC Gamer, the cozy furniture arrangement allows hardcore gamers to be even lazier than usual. And, as the mask-wearing model in the gaming bed’s promotional photos illustrate, it’s just the kind of thing gamers might want in their house while hiding out–or even self-quarantining–from Coronavirus

Though just a concept, images show a central wrap-around desk with dual swivel monitors, speakers, cupholders, and a caddy that holds a spare controller at the foot of the bed. 


A small secondary desk for a keyboard appears bedside beside a stocked snack cart, or “Energy Wagon,” as the Google-translated description puts it. Anchored to a headboard with built-in shelves is an adjustable arm that can hold a smartphone or mobile device. 


According to Business Insider, all off the accessories—except for the pictured “gaming blanket”—can be purchased from individually from Bauhutte for about $1,200. Perhaps Atari’s forthcoming video game-themed hotels will boast rooms with a similar setup.  

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