Fat Geeky Guy’s Sport App Reviews
Stay in the game without leaving the bathroom.
Stay in the game without leaving the bathroom.
Photo by Fat Geeky Guy | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2012
Make yourself look like a sports news legend with these free apps that’ll keep you from getting pants by the jocks in your office.
Team Stream
The Pitch: All your teams. All at once. All the time.
What It Really Is: Team Stream is well a crafted app which features scores and sports news, curated by the Team Stream staff. This covers more local teams in smaller markets than most, so if you live in a tiny town, or follow some obscure team no one’s ever heard of, Team Stream should make your inner jock do jumping jacks. Plus it has a lot of pictures.
Maxim.com Press-Ready Blurb: “Team Stream is a team’s dream!” – Maxim.com
Who’s It For: Sports fanatics; people trying to look like they know what they’re talking about.
What’s Extra Cool: Social sharing. Team Stream lets you Tweet, update Facebook or email sports news, so you can gloat when the Yankees beat the Boston. Again.
What’s Missing: The “Da-na-na… da-na-na” ESPN sound whenever new news or scores come in.
Rating: 4.0/5.0 Stars
ESPN ScoreCenter
The Pitch: ESPN news, scores and standings in your pocket.
What It Really Is: The ScoreCenter app delivers the top content and news from ESPN’s world class staff of sports writers, broadcasters and news from around the Web. You can set alerts for each team you follow, and feed your addiction every time a game starts, a team scores, a game is over or at different points during a game. Whew. That’s a LOT of Da-na-na… da-na-na!
Maxim.com Press-Ready Blurb: “This app shoots…and scores!” – Maxim.com
Who’s It For: Sports fanatics who just can’t get enough ESPN.
What’s Extra Cool: “Da-na-na… da-na-na” ESPN sound whenever an alert happens.
What’s Missing: Pictures in the news feed! You mean I actually have to read stuff?
Rating: 4.5/5.0 Stars
Yahoo! Sportacular
The Pitch: Live scores, news, standings and sports-news video.
What It Really Is: It’s Sportacular! Pick your favorite teams, and go. Yahoo! streams the top sports news stories and video straight into your mobile world. If you’re on WiFi or if your data plan doesn’t suck, the video is awesome, otherwise, it’s completely annoying. The live scores feature helps with withdrawal symptoms if you’re not able to watch a game on TV.
Maxim.com Press-Ready Blurb: “Sportacular is Yahoo-rific!” – Maxim.com
Who’s It For: Geeky sports fans will love the techy-cool features.
What’s Extra Cool: Built–in check-in for games: Chat with fans, and piss off opponents with smarmy comments.
What’s Missing: An instruction manual! Setting up alerts is more confusing than a cricket match! “Da-na-na… da-na-na” ESPN sound whenever new news or scores come in.
Rating: 4.5/5.0 Stars
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