A canoe is one hulking piece of gear—hard enough to store or strap on a car, never mind check into an airplane. Meet the adventure canoe that fits in a duffle bag (albeit a large, 44-pound, 42x24x18-inch, duffle). Consisting of a skeleton of folding, interlocking aluminum tubes and a thick, flexible PVC skin, the 16-foot, 6-inch, two-person canoe can actually navigate wilderness rivers better than some fiberglass boats. It’s stable and an agile navigator and that PVC skin can suck up the jarring bump of the occasional mid-stream rock. Full disclosure: It is not easy to set up, especially the first time (though it does get easier with practice), so assemble it in the backyard a few times before you bring it to the wilds. When you are done, break it back down and it fits in the trunk of your car. [$2,050; shop.bergans.us]
The First-Class, Carry-On Canoe
The best way to stay afloat since the bridge loan.