The 2017 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), like most past shows, has introduced some crazy, possibly useless stuff. There’s plenty of awesome there, too, though. Like this: The Super Retro Boy, from the retro gaming hardware specialists at Retro-Bit.
Super Retro Boy is almost identical to the classic old Nintendo Game Boy, but as the CNET video explains above, there are some key differences: it’s made from lighter materials, is backlit, and rechargeable, as opposed to purely battery-powered.
By far the best thing about Super Retro Boy is it will take any old Game Boy cartridges you’ve got left over. Even if nostalgia didn’t prod you to tuck those old games in a drawer somewhere, there’s always eBay — and Retro-Bit may hook up with game publishers for re-issues as well.
Together with Hyperkin’s Android accessory that turns smart phones into Game Boys it’s fun to see hardware developers returning to old favorites and souping them up.
The price points are good, too — the Super Retro Boy will cost just $80 once it goes on sale. The cost is meaningless next to going back and truly conquering Super Mario Land 2 the way you wanted to back in 1992.