Mercedes-Benz is a name synonymous with plush finishings and expert performance. Ready to take that to the sky, they’ve partnered with Lufthansa to design what they think the next generation of VIP cabins should look like.
And we like what we see. The pair developed the concept for the 2015 European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE), and it features furniture and seating that connects from floor to ceiling in smooth, continuous lines. Rich leathers and woods color the cabin, but they’re not lacking in next-level tech, either.
Display panels built into the walls will showcase information and entertainment throughout the flight, providing a luxurious airborne experience. But you can still see traces of the iconic car: the blacked-out windows are derived from the screen design in the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, creating dimmable surfaces which can reveal the view below or an interactive screen.
The future of luxury air travel just got a lot more good looking.
Photos by Daimler Media