If You Want to Officially Own Summer, It’s Time to Splurge on This Hot Tub Boat
Ever been in the water while on the water?

The cool toy geniuses at Hammacher Schlemmer are offering another item you didn’t know you couldn’t live without, like this miniature monster truck. It is an electric boat with a built-in hot tub that lets you simultaneously cruise and soak.

The boat runs for as long as ten hours on a charge, at a speed of 5 mph using its 24-volt electric motor and you steer it using a joystick.

Meanwhile, your mighty sailing vessel contains a 4′ x 8′ (the same area as a sheet of plywood) pool that is two feet deep and stays at a toasty 104 degrees thanks to a diesel-fueled boiler.

This provides capacity for 2,100 lbs. of water and six adult bathers/boaters.

To get the party started, there’s a waterproof stereo system with two 50-watt speakers.

This looks like the best $42,000 you will ever spend. It definitely beats floating with girls in the swamped cockpit of that Sunfish sailboat, soaking in lukewarm sun-heated water back in the day.