Meet ‘JIM’, the Smart Decanter From Jim Beam That Will Pour You a Shot of Bourbon on Command

Photo: Jim Beam

Photo: Jim Beam

Amazon and Google want to give users convenient access to information, shopping, music and more with their smart speakers. Jim Beam’s smart decanter just wants to get you toasted.

Dubbed “JIM,” the voice-activated bourbon dispenser will pour you a shot while the voice of Jim Beam Master Distiller Fred Noe rattles off Kentucky pleasantries.

Ask about the best way to drink bourbon, for instance, and the JIM will answer, “Any damn way you please.” 

Inquire about the weather, and JIM will respond, “I have no idea, but I don know it’s the perfect weather to enjoy bourbon.” Word up, JIM!

Pre-order yours from the Jim Beam store now to get it by December 15. And who knows, maybe the next version will be voiced by spokes-drinker Mila Kunis!

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