This Studio Made a Live-Action First-Person Shooter And Invited The Internet to Play

This might be the best thing you watch all day.

If you’re like me, you probably grew up playing first-person shooters, from Doom to Goldeneye,Half-Life  to Counter-StrikeHalo to Gears of War. This week, a British studio decided to bring our childhood games to life — and invited a bunch of unsuspecting viewers on the internet to play.

Realm Pictures put together a live-action, zombie-themed first-person shooter in the garden of their office and invited strangers from video chat services like Chatroulette (remember Chatroulette?), Skype and Omegle to play by shouting commands at their flesh-and-blood avatar. The result is both hilarious and incredible. 

Real Life First Person Shooter (Chatroulette version)

This delightful cross between paintball and Call of Duty: Zombies was actually conceived “quite a few years back,” according to on of the video’s creators, who began answering questions after it exploded on Reddit.

“While messing around with friends on Chatroulette one evening, my housemate picked up his netbook (shows how long ago this was) and asked people he connected with to start giving him orders as if they were controlling a first person game,” he says. “We always thought it would be really cool if we did that again, but maybe got some Nerf guns or something and amped it up a little. Had almost forgotten about it until recently and thought it would just be something really fun and interesting to do!”

According to the creators, the video was shot with a GoPro feeding into aTeradek wireless HD video system, which sent footage back to a computer over WiFi. If you’re intrigued and want to know exactly how this beautiful piece of interactive gaming came to be, Realm Studios also posted a behind-the-scenes reel. 

Real Life First Person Shooter - Behind the Scenes

Bonus: Here’s how that awesome rocket launcher works:

Photos by YouTube

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