Mophie’s New UV Sanitizer Can Charge AND Clean Your Smartphone
Kill 99.9% of germs on your device in just five minutes.

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, many people the world over have begun to realize just how easy it might be to carry dangerous pathogens into their homes. Zagg, the consumer electronics company behind Mophie chargers, has us covered with their Invisible Shield UV sanitizer and the even more useful Mophie UV sanitizer.

The sanitizers work with UV-C light and the manufacturer claims they will kill 99.99% of dangerous bacteria and germs found on smartphones. It’s not a laborious process, either—the sanitizer and sanitizer-charger take a mere five minutes to properly disinfect devices.
The Invisible Shield Sanitizer merely cleans, but the Mophie can do double duty and charge—but it can’t clean and charge at the same time. The wireless charging bed is on top of the Mophie and the sanitizing light is inside.

These sanitizers don’t just clean phones but have room for any kind of small everyday carry objects you might need to disinfect, such as keys or earbuds.
The Invisible Shield UV Sanitizer will be available for purchase within the next month or so and will cost $60. The Mophie UV Sanitizer is available now and retails for $80 at