New Short-Throw Projector TV Casts 150-Inch HD Image

Xgimi home projection TV



With its new short-throw projector, TV Asian electronics giant Xgimi is presenting savvy consumers with a chance to create a real home theater experience without permanently dedicating a single wall to a physical screen.

The new ultra-short-throw (UST) Aura laser projector is a modestly-sized 23 inch by 16-inch box that can put out a 150-inch high definition image anywhere you find a plug and available space. It’s a great way to evade the way a blank screen of the same size might dominate any room where it’s been installed.


With about 17.5 inches of space to project, the Aura puts out a full 150-inch view. Reduce that to eight inches of room and it will still put out a 120-inch image. Either way, such projection capacity puts the TV into the top tier of displays currently available to consumers.

Aura’s display quality is excellent as well, with 4K ultra-high-definition resolution plus 2,400 ANSI lumens of brightness. It provides about as much clarity as you’d want from any home entertainment tech and doesn’t require a completely dark room like old-school projectors.


Xgimi lists additional features like 3-D content support, HDR, and 80-percent of the DCI-P3 color gamut. It has convenient startup time as well, with the company claiming it only takes about 12 seconds to start up.

Additional features include:

You can buy XGimi’s Aura UST projector TV via its website for $2,500:

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