Nintendo Promises Plenty of SNES Classics for the Holiday Season, Will Bring Back the NES Classic Next Summer
We’ll believe it when we have our hands on one.

Good news, retro gamers! Nintendo has announced that they will ship more of their upcoming SNES Classics on launch day, September 29th, than they did of the entirety of their run of NES Classics last year.

After demand for the NES Classic last year left many fans empty-handed and looking to the price-gouging resale market, Nintendo is consciously taking a stand by upping the production of the incoming SNES Classics so any fan who wants one can get one this holiday.
We’ll see if that works out, but we’re excited that Ninty has decided to actually reap these profits themselves instead of leaving it to the gougers who buy out pre-orders, leaving the rest of us holding our wangs instead of one of the two awesome SNES retro controllers that come in the box.

Adding to the good news is Nintendo’s official announcement that they’ll be bringing back the to-this-point-retired NES Classic that was so coveted last year. That means those 30 classic games and the palm-sized mini-console are set to return in the summer of 2018, according to the big N. Details are sparse on that front, besides the fact that it is indeed happening, but we’ll keep an eye out from Ninty about any and all details of their continuing retro plans.