You Can Now Watch a Massive 180-Inch Virtual Television Absolutely Anywhere With Oculus TV
This could be a game changer.

Oculus has made it possible to watch your favorite streamable shows on a gigantic virtual screen, even when you’re not parked on your living room couch.
The Facebook-owned VR company just launched Oculus TV, a television service that transforms their latest standalone VR headset—the Oculus Go—into something like a wearable Apple TV or Roku.
Those who own the device only need to download the free Oculus TV app and log in to their Netflix, Hulu, Showtime accounts to binge like never before. Free content comes courtesy of Pluto TV, Facebook Watch and Red Bull TV.
While pickings for sports programming are slim, users can watch MLB Live, and support for ESPN is reportedly on the way.
Oculus claims that the experience is equivalent to watching a 180-inch TV in real life. It’s certainly an awesome innovation, but there are some potential drawbacks that keep the new technology from completely replacing an ultra high-res television.
Digital Trends has further details:
For one, the resolution of the Oculus Go means that the virtual 180-inch screen isn’t going to have anywhere near the clarity of a 4K Ultra HD TV or even a 1080p TV.
Second, you’ll likely experience eye strain after a certain amount of time, though how sensitive you may be to this varies from person to person.

But even if the picture is sub-par on this initial rollout, it’s definitely an intriguing innovation and most likely a sign of interesting things to come in the VR space.