Kayaks: heaven on the water; hell to store in the home. The Oru was created with the space-constrained in mind. The 12-foot-long, 25-inch-wide boat floats as well as any ordinary vessel but folds down into a 26-pound portfolio-style case small enough to sling over your shoulder or stow behind a couch. It’s made from pre-folded corrugated polypropylene that snaps together, origami-style into a structurally sound ship capable of carrying a single paddler. The Bay +, an update to the original design, features such comfort-boosting extras as an adjustable bucket seat, strap-down deck rigging, and a waterproof day hatch; there’s also additional ratchet binding to help speed setup so you don’t waste precious padding time with assembly. [$1,495; orukayak.com]
The Oru Bay Plus Kayak Breaks Down Into a Shoulder Bag
Yet the full-size craft can transport two passengers on nearly any waters.