This Parking Lot Is the Thirstiest Thing on the Internet

Watch it soak up 4,000 liters of water in 60 seconds.

To every man sliding into a woman’s DMs thirty seconds after she’s posted a fire selfie: sit down. This parking lot is way thirstier than you could ever dream to be. 

Topomix Permeable concrete, from Lafarge Tarmac, is designed to absorb storm water at a rapid rate. To see just how rapid, check out the video below, in which it soaks up 4,000 liters of water in 60 seconds. To give you a nice visual: this parking lot is me with a bottle of $8 twist-top Chardonnay.

Yes, baby, yes. Drink it UP.

This could solve some major infrastructure problems. According to CityLab, which posted the video, in the United States, “stormwater routinely overwhelms antiquated wastewater systems, causing untreated sewage to be dumped into local waterways and befouling public beaches. Storm runoff is also a significant source of pollution for rivers, streams, and reservoirs around the globe. Topmix pavement filters pollutants such as motor oil residue, even as it allows water to drain into the ground below.”

It also just sent me a text that said “u up?” 

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