Migaloo, an Austrian company that designs watercraft, is probably the first place you’d go if you were a Bond villain looking for a private submarine that shoots lasers. Well, they may not do lasers yet, but one look at their designs and it’s easy to believe Migaloo might take special orders if the money is right. Bond villain or not, if you’re looking for a nice luxury condo you can dock off Nantucket or maybe use to squat in a spacious harbor somewhere, Migaloo has designed the perfect candidate, the Kokomo Ailand, a “[private] floating habitat based on semi-submersible platforms, customizable in size, shape and features.”
As reported by the New York Post, a fully completed Kokomo Ailand “would move under its own power” and possess some stunning features, like a “262-foot elevator would lead to a penthouse with 360-degree views.” It would also have its own waterfall and jungle, with — of course — “an al fresco dining area.”
The Post also reported that the Kokomo could be used in multiple ways, perhaps even as “as a luxury hotel, casino or company headquarters.”
We’d recommend it to Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin. Stock the jungle area with a few Siberian tigers, outfit a stable for the president’s beloved bare-chested horse-riding jaunts, and the Russian strongman would surely be good to go. He might even get around to those lasers we mentioned.