PlayStation 5 Not Coming Anytime Soon, According to Latest Rumors
The good news—it’s coming.

Recently, a rumor emerged online that the release of the PlayStation 5 is imminent, as soon as the end of 2018. A new, and more trustworthy report, from Kotaku debunks that entirely.
After speaking with multiple sources in the gaming industry and even developers at Sony, reporter Jason Schreier determined that a PlayStation 5 likely won’t even be out by 2019.
Over the past month, I’ve spoken to dozens of game developers, across a variety of disciplines and studios, about the next generation of consoles. Of those, two people said they were directly familiar with plans for Sony’s new console. Those two people both told me that the next PlayStation is unlikely to release in 2019, let alone 2018, although they were careful to be clear that these plans are always shifting.
What’s more, most Sony employees haven’t even heard that a PlayStation 5 is coming.
Most of the developers I spoke to, via phone and email and text, said they had not heard anything about plans for a new PlayStation. Even employees at Sony’s first-party studios said they have not yet been briefed on the existence of a PlayStation 5. People across all the disciplines (design, art, engineering, etc.) at major studios working on games scheduled for 2019 and beyond have told me that if there is information about the PS5 at their companies, they haven’t heard about it.

Schreier concludes, “There is information about the PlayStation 5 floating around at both first- and third-party companies, but it’s far more limited than it would be if the console’s release was imminent.”
The most recent PlayStation, the 4, was released back in 2013 to wild success. Since, it has become the fastest-selling console generation of all time, establishing PlayStation as the undeniable leader of the gaming industry.