Bring the Force to Your Workout With These ‘Star Wars’-Themed Kettle Bells
Train like a Jedi with these iron-clad weights.

The telekinetic Force touted by Jedis in the Star Wars universe might be a thing of fiction, but you can still push your earthly powers to the max with these awesome Star Wars kettlebells.
Onnit, the same company that created the positively badass Iron Man kettlebells, is selling iron-clad weights in the shape of masks from three menacing Star Wars characters.
Busts of a bounty hunter ($150), an Imperial Stormtrooper ($180) and the Dark Lord of the Sith himself ($200) are available for pre-order in 50, 60, or 70-pound weights, respectively.

If kettlebell workouts aren’t your speed, they’re also taking pre-orders for this cool-but-creepy polyurethane yoga mat inspired by the image of Han Solo frozen in Carbonite ($65).

They even have a Death Star Slam Ball ($75), which, unlike traditional medicine balls, is made to withstand the throws, slams and drops used in wall ball training.

Check out Onnit’s website for more info. May the Force be with you.
h/t: Design Boom