Playstation 5: Sony Announces Price and Launch Date

Credit: Sony

Credit: Sony

Credit: Sony

The steady march toward the release of both Sony’s Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X continues and another major milestone has been reached: Sony has officially put a price and launch date on the upcoming Playstation 5 console.

Credit: Sony

The two flavors of PS5 outlined earlier this year – one with a disc drive, the digital edition without – will retail for $499 and $399 respectively. Pre-orders are not officially up and running yet but Sony does appear to be taking names and will select a lucky few for “limited preorders” here

Presumably, vendors like Amazon and Gamestop will follow suit in the near future because the next generation of Playstation will officially hit consumers in North American on November 12th.

With that, Sony has finally revealed the last two essential pieces of information about the PS5, having already outlined their launch lineup and dished on the specs under the hood of the console. All that’s left is to wait for hands-on reviews and make the big decision of whether to spend the next generation with Playstation, Xbox or PC since pretty much everyone in the world already has a Nintendo Switch. 

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