Here’s What Happens When You Order Kittens to Your Office

It's the purrrrfect break from a long day at work. 

Americans work hard. Too hard, if you ask us. We work longer hours than any other advanced country and retire later in life, often for wages far below what we deserve. We barely use our vacation time, too. If one thing’s clear, it’s that American workers could certainly use a break during the buys day.

That’s where the kittens come in. Each year, Uber runs an UberKittens promotion (yes, it’s a marketing promotion, but it’s kittens so who cares?) that partners with local animal shelters to bring adorable kittens to stressed out workers in 50 American cities. Given that we work damn hard here at Maxim (we do, honest!), we decided to give the service a whirl and see if it’s really the morale-booster it sounds like.

We put in our request just before 1pm on Thursday; the kittens around just after 2pm. Their names were Cider and Carrie, and they were glorious. 

We returned to our desks elated and relaxed, with joy in our hearts, the presence of these little furballs more invigorating than any coffee break or after-work cocktail. Every office needs on-demand kittens, and I won’t stop until this is a reality of every hard-working American in the country. 

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