Having Lots Of Sex Makes You Better At Your Job, According to Science
Turns out that getting laid is the best way to get that promotion.

If you’re feeling down every time you walk into the office, the solution to inner peace while parked inside a cubicle may be as simple as getting off more often at home.
Researchers at Oregon State University working with colleagues elsewhere compared the sex lives and work environment of employees in committed relationships. They discovered the drones who were busy bees in the bedroom tended to have the advantage over less satisfied co-workers later.
OSU College of Business professor Keith Leavitt explained in a press release that there really is something to the observation many have made that people who are clearly satisfied with their romantic lives seem a bit more on the ball, so to speak:
“We make jokes about people having a ‘spring in their step,’ but it turns out this is actually a real thing and we should pay attention to it,” said Leavitt, an expert in organizational behavior and management. “Maintaining a healthy relationship that includes a healthy sex life will help employees stay happy and engaged in their work, which benefits the employees and the organizations they work for.”
Unfortunately, Leavitt’s study found the inverse was also true. He indicated that letting job-related issues come home with you could definitely have a dampening effect on the need to knock boots before bed.

The science behind these findings is pretty straightforward if you think about it.
Since having sex floods the brain with the natural feel-good chemicals produced by affection and bonding with a loved one, sex tends to have what amounts to an antidepressant effect. Mood is boosted immediately, but it also tends to stay elevated the following day.
Leavitt and his study co-authors developed their conclusions by trailing 159 married people for a couple of weeks. They then had the subjects answer daily survey questions, and consistently discovered that those who’d gotten lucky were in better frames of mind the day after, and that positive outlook contributed to a better attitude and more productive behavior at work.
Leavitt said the findings should function as “a reminder that sex has social, emotional and physiological benefits, and it’s important to make it a priority,”
It’s important, according to Leavitt, that people “make time for it.”
As noted in the release detailing these findings, it sounds like the Swedish town councilman who had the idea that city workers should get an hour each work week for sex was onto something.