Airbnb Wants You to Spend the Night in a Paris Shark Aquarium

Three winners will each spend a free night surrounded by sharks

Normally if you found out that your prospective vacation room was infested with anything, that would be a bad thing. But in this case, it’s pretty rad because the infestation in question entails dozens of sharks swimming around (not in) Airbnb’s first underwater room.

It’s part of a contest they’re running. Three fearless individuals will each get to bring a chum—er, that is, a guest with them. They’ll be flown to Paris and spend a night in the world’s oldest aquarium (celebrating 150 years next year), surrounded by toothy predators swirling around their comfy circular bed.

The room is totally tank-themed (Photo: Airbnb)

Along with airfare, dinner and the aquatically-themed accommodations themselves, the trip includes a marine biologist-led tour and in-tank entertainment from avid freediver and photographer Fred Buyle, who holds several underwater world records and was just the 8th person to break the 100-meter depth barrier on a single breath of air.

Along with airfare, dinner’s included (Photo: Airbnb)

To live out this shark-filled fantasy, you need to log into Airbnb’s website, click Enter to Win and in 500 characters or fewer—not 550 words, as others have erroneously reported—creatively and originally describe why you should get to be one of the lucky few who gets to spend a night in this sub-marine bedroom, before it becomes a behavioral biology observatory.

You only have until midnight local Paris time this Sunday the 3rd to dazzle the judges with your entry. (Be sure to read all the age, weight and other restrictions.) And if they pick you, this trip is happening in less than two weeks. So chop, chop!

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