Airlines Are Shrinking Their Seats – How Else Can They Make Us Miserable?

It’s not just that we’re getting fatter, after all.

According to this report from the Wall Street Journal, airline seats are steadily shrinking. Not content with treating people like cattle, airlines now want to treat them like sardines, as they cram 10 seats into each row in economy, instead of the standard (and already horribly cramped) nine. This plan has two goals: Firstly, to squeeze more people onto each flight (like, duh). Secondly, and more insidiously, it’s because they’re deliberately trying to make people hate flying economy so much that they shell out triple the regular price for a first class ticket (the obvious flaw in the logic here being that if we could all afford to fly business class in the first place, we would fucking fly business class in the first place, you fucking shit-bag morons). The upshot is that the majority of airplane seats will be a piddling 17 inches wide in the near future, which, considering the width of the average American ass, is pretty distressing. Still, it’s not like an airline to give two shits about its passengers, so to save them the trouble, here are some more suggestions for how they can make our lives hell while saving themselves a few pennies.

Photos by Jason Hetherington / Getty Images | Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2013

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