Intercourse, PA! French Lick, IN! Climax, GA! This is some seriously hard-hitting journalism, folks.
Intercourse, PA
This town of approximately 1,300 is located in the heart of Amish Country, and is well-known for its crafts, horse and buggy rides, and local food. Oh, and also, the fact that IT’S CALLED FUCKING “INTERCOURSE.” Apparently, the town’s signposts are frequently targeted by thieves. Very funny thieves.
Humptulips, WA
According to Wikipedia, “the name Humptulips may have come from a local Native American language, meaning ‘hard to pole,’ referring to the difficulty local Native Americans had in poling their canoes along the Humptulips River.” Yeah…whatever helps you sleep at night, guys.
Horneytown, NC
A small unincorporated community in Forsyth County, Horneytown serves as a constant reminder of what happens when a local official loses a bet to a 13-year-old boy.
French Lick, IN
Speaking of bets, this Indiana town is home to the French Lick Resort and Casino—so, contrary to what you may have heard, it seems you don’t technically have to go down south to get lucky playing slots.
Buttzville, NJ
Making fun of a place in New Jersey with the name “Buttzville” is so easy that it almost isn’t fun. But we’ll give it a crack anyway. HAHA, “crack.” And…scene.
Climax, GA
According to our calculations, the fastest way to get to Climax, Georgia, is actually to go through Buttzville, New Jersey—but good luck getting your girlfriend to go along with that.
New Erection, VA
Elevation: 427 meters. Except when it’s cold out, and then it’s a lot shorter. Zing!
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