This Tweet From Justin Bieber’s Father Is the Grossest Thing We’ve Ever Seen

And it involves Justin Bieber, of course.

You may have heard that there are nude photos of Justin Bieber circulating around the internet right now, nude photos that show Bieber strutting around with his dong out on a balcony. It’s not a pretty situation: everyone on the planet is grossed out, and Bieber is threatening to sue any news outlet that publishes these photos.

There’s only one person happy about this situation, and that’s Justin Bieber’s father:

Gross! So fucking gross! But sadly unsurprising coming from Bieber’s creepy dad. From a 2014 Gawker report:

Jeremy Bieber … hurled the family dog off of a two-story balcony because it bit Justin’s little brother Jaxon sometime last year…

This is just one of Jeremy’s alleged transgressions, and it is certainly not the first. For instance, last month he was ordered by a judge to pay over $12,000 for trashing an Ontario apartment he lived in between 2011 and 2012.

… according to multiple law enforcement sources, the leased, luxurious Gulfstream IV on which the [then-19-year-old Canadian pop star], his father and an entourage of 10 friends traveled was so full of marijuana smoke that the pilots were forced to wear oxygen masks.

This was fun, but I’m going to go throw up now.

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