Watch a Lucky Doofus Drive His Car Off a Mountain Road and Survive

His car, however, didn't make it.

On Monday, a YouTube user who goes by TurboFoz posted a video to his account that should have never been uploaded. Because TurboFoz should be dead.

Watch this speed demon fly down a mountain road with all the precaution of Wile E. Coyote. 

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As Mr. Foz—this guy is definitely a guy—writes in the video’s description, he was driving fast through a pair of tunnels because it made his car’s loud “exhaust sound that much better.”

Problem was, he couldn’t see the road at the end of the tunnel. The sun was too bright. And so when he exited, he was in trouble. A tight bend in the road forced him to hit his breaks and he hurtled toward a guardrail. That’s when things got really hairy:

I slammed into a berm and expected to come to a complete stop, but the terrifying journey wasn’t over. I went over the edge. It happened so fast all I can remember is everything crashing and spinning. I thought I was rolling over down the side of the mountain. I was confident I was going to land upside down and get crushed. I was on the world’s worst roller coaster that could only end with death, or so I thought.

He survived, obviously, but his car and his self respect did not. May they both rest in peace. 

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