Photo By Steffen Schmidt/Landov
In an effort to curb pimping and further regulate sex workers, Switzerland is opening up drive-in “sex boxes.” Located in Zurich, the nine shed-like structures are set to cost the city $2.6 million (which, to be fair, is only like 12 Euros), and will be equipped with alarms in case of trouble. They are also investing in posters advocating condom usage and warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. But wait, it gets sexier! Patrons in cars (pedestrians and bicycle riders are not valid customers, apparently) will be able to select one of the likely 40 prostitutes stationed at the sex boxes. Once the choice is made, off the happy couple goes! The boxes will set taxpayers back an additional $760,000 a year in operating costs, though a tax is also levied on each…transaction.
And apparently, this is not a new idea! Germany has had the noble verrichtungsbox (translated as “sex drive-through,” but “efficient box for which to make your pleasure upon a woman in a timely matter before returning to your productive job” is perhaps a better interpretation) for years, and with often hilarious results (if you know German, you are laughing your geshwersternkockenberglochengefendshultz off right now).
Check out Why It (Literally) Pays To Have Sex and Wild Out Door Sex Stories, As Told By Women.
Car-Sex Alert! Europe Now Has Drive-Through Prostitutes
Looks like the Swiss are putting their efforts into more than just suspicious bank accounts!