Save Face With These 5 Skin Care Tips
The celebrity dermatologist who works with Victoria’s Secret Angels and Hollywood actors tells how to maintain your mug.

David A. Colbert, M.D., the founder and head physician of New York Dermatology Group, is the guy Victoria’s Secret Angels and the likes of Michael Fassbender and Daniel Craig turn to to make sure they always put their best face forward.
Established in private practice in New York City since 1995, Dr. Colbert studied and lived in Paris before that, where he was a dermatological research consultant for Chanel.

His Colbert MD products are “uniquely effective at delivering the energy of nature through the power of science,” resulting in a skin care line that fights inflammation, slows aging, and restores the skin to its visible radiance, clarity and tone.
Here are Colbert’s five tips for achieving the best skin any man can aspire to:

1. “Always wear sunblock on the golf course or during any outdoor activity. It reduces your chances of skin cancer and slows down the aging process. Women aren’t fond of sagging jowls and brown barnacles.”
2. “Before your shave massage in some Illumino facial oil. It will reduce shaving bumps and the redness that comes with shaving. Then afterwards apply Colbertmd Soothe cream instead of a crazy alcohol aftershave that burns and serves no purpose.”

3. “Get rid of lumps , bumps and tags anywhere on the skin. They are a big turn off for your girlfriend or wife.”

4. “Use Stimulate Serum every morning . It’s like a 401k for your skin. Keeps male skin looking fresh and healthy by promoting collagen formation.”

5. “Don’t use bar soap on your face! It drys you out and creates flaky skin. Instead use a non-soap cleanser. It feels good and won’t strip the natural oils from your skin.”