As much as we’d all love to be boning our brains out every second of the day, we can’t. There is such a thing as too much sex. And for those rare moments when you’re not able to stick it your lady love, we’ve found a way to stay closer than ever.
Introducing the Dildo Selfie Stick. Spoiler: it’s not real, but it absolutely should be. The concept is elegantly simple—a dildo of her choosing is affixed to the handle of any standard selfie stick. At the exact instant of climax, she snaps a photo to commemorate the blissful moment. Which she can in turn, text to you.
Just another way technology improves our relationships. While the Dildo Selfie Stick remains firmly entrenched in the world of internet satirer, they’ve got a Twitter handle and a website. Might I suggest inundating them with tweets until they make this thing a reality? The world needs O-face selfies.