Not even the world of high fashion is safe from the explosion in drone use. The Daily Telegraph reports that Australia’s Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week will see drone outfit Alpha Flight Aero working with designers Dion Lee and Ten Pieces on various shoots.
The nexus of style and drone-assisted photography and video makes sense once you consider what drone use has brought to photography in general. Speaking to the Telegraph, Alphaflight Aerospace founder Josh Brookes-Allen put a fine point on what his company can do, noting that they are “capturing angles for the video that couldn’t be captured any other way.”
“To have a drone involved in the production as part of the creative vision,” Allen told the paper, “is definitely key at the moment, if you [don’t] have it you’re missing something crucial.”
The drone takeover of various industries — film, the military, news — is by no means complete, but each new wrinkle proves they’re perhaps a permanently fixed part of tech and life in general now.
As long as drones don’t gang up on us and keep providing opportunities for beautiful and sometimes dizzying footage, we’re cool with how things are turning out.
h/t Daily Telegraph