Believe it or not, there is a balanced, ideal amount of sex to have per week. It’s not just as much as possible! Researchers at at Toronto university conducted a study that looked into just how much sex is generally needed to make people happy on a regular basis, and the result was shocking.
Study author Amy Muise in an interview with the Huffington Post said that people can relax: the idea that humans should constantly be boinking like bonobos on Viagra is completely misplaced. According to Muise, just one session of the horizontal bop a week is more than enough to sustain happiness for most couples.
While it’s generally “important to maintain a sexual connection with a romantic partner,” Muise said, “it is also important to have realistic expectations for one’s sex life, given that many couples are busy with work and responsibilities.”
According to Muise, while a steady diet of bedroom gymnastics definitely brings on the good vibrations, people simply don’t need to bother themselves with nightly shenanigans if they’re not feeling it.
Muise drew her conclusions from multiple studies done with thousands of participants over the course of decades. While individual studies may have determined that more is definitely better, the overall result seemed to be one shot every seven days is just fine.
So if you’re feeling overstretched but also worried that your game is getting weak just because you don’t play each night, chill out—one and done is just fine, sometimes.
h/t MSN