This week’s undeniable viral sensation was Sajad Gharibi, a 24-year-old power lifter from Iran. Tipping the scale at 330 pounds and capable of lifting 386, the hairy behemoth has been dubbed the “Iranian Hulk” and the “Persian Hercules.”
So, what’s he to do with his 15 minutes? Try out for the Olympics? Field offers from the WWE? Shill for detox Persian tea on Instagram?
The BBC reported that Gharibi is shunning the spotlight. He’ll be joining the ranks in Syria, where he’ll fight beside forces still loyal to Syrian President Assad.
Just imagine this gargantuan glory hound barreling through Aleppo, clobbering militants and strong-arming ISIS out of the region. It’d take more than one bullet to knock this dude down.
But don’t go calling Gharibi a hero. Assad’s regime is perhaps the deadliest force in Syria and is believed to have been responsible for mass atrocities.
Also, good luck taking cover on the battlefield, big guy.