You’ll Soon Be Able To Move Into This Freaky, UFO-Inspired Floating Houseboat

The Unidentified Floating Object 2.0 (Photo: Jet Capsule)
Jet Capsule

Jet Capsule

When they’re not making mini yachts that kinda resemble Darth Vader’s helmet, the creative folks at Jet Capsule are crafting UFO-shaped floating homes. And they hope to actually build and release them into the wild as soon as 2018.

As opposed to the first iteration, which we wrote about this past spring, the new 2.0 version is over 50% wider in diameter, sports a third level and its twin electric engines help it bob along slightly faster at up to 9 knots—certainly slow for a speedboat, but faster than your typical houseboat.

They’ll need to be flown to their location (Photo: Jet Capsule)

Because of that lack of speed, they’ll need to be airlifted by helicopter to their destination. Ideally, far away from any rocks or big waves, lest they become actual flying (or sinking) saucers. But still, they look like a pretty fun subsistence above and below the water level.

The master bedroom, with watery view (Photo: Jet Capsule)

On the upper deck, you’ve got a nice view of the horizon. Outside on the main deck there’s room for solar panels and sunbathing by day, hosting small floating soirees at night. While inside is the main cooking and dining area, along with storage. And below deck, the master bed and bath await.

Dining command central (Photo: Jet Capsule)

In addition to solar panels, wind and water turbines could provide enough juice to store up and give your UFO its autonomy. But groups of them could be clustered to create entire floating communities or—courtesy of stealthily stored jetskis—the ultimate party hopping opportunity.

Even the commode looks cooler underwater (Photo: Jet Capsule)

Right now it’s still in the conceptual phase. But we’ve heard tell that a Kickstarter campaign may launch soon, in a galaxy not so far away. We’ll be sure to keep you posted if and when it does.

Sunbathe by day, party at night (Photo: Jet Capsule)

h/t: Design Boom

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