These Are the Jobs Most Likely to Get You Laid on Tinder

Tinder hasn’t had a great year. Between a survey revealing that 42% of its users are already in a relationship and its CEO not knowing what the word ‘sodomy’ means, plus their very public Twitter breakdown following a not-so-flattering Vanity Fair article asserting that they’re ushering in a dating apocalypse, we’re honestly just impressed the company is still hanging in there.

But it is, and at least now the company is still providing you with tools you can actually use, unlike the dubious sounding “Super Like” feature. In a blog post on Wednesday, Tinder revealed that adding your job and education information is more likely to get you matches. But as everyone knows, not all jobs are created equal.

Based on data gathered between November 2015 and January 2016, Tinder compiled the most desirable jobs that’ll get both men and women swiped right from dawn ’til dusk. So, what’s the most attractive job for a man? Apparently Leo was very convincing in Catch Me if You Can, because it turns out women can’t get enough of pilots. Who knew.

The runners up include entrepreneurs, doctors, and firefighters. Big props to all you guys, by the way, who are swiping all day long on women who are physical therapists and interior designers.

Check out the full list below.

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