If You Love Watching Porn More Than Sex With Women, You Might Be A Different Sexual Orientation
Researchers call it “pornosexuality,” and it’s a real thing.

If you’re someone who checks Pornhub more often than your email, or if you prefer to jerk off to some good porn instead of having sex, then you, my friend, might have a different sexual orientation than the rest of us.
Apparently, there’s something called “pornosexuality,” which is basically the sexual orientation of a person a prefers to watch porn instead of have sex.
Simply put, just like a heterosexual person prefers the opposite sex, and just how homosexuals are into the same sex, pornosexuals are sexually attracted to porn.
Yes, I know. It’s wonderful how we label everything these days. Similar to pornosexuality, did you know that having the hots for middle aged women is a separate sexual orientation, too? Yup.
Anyway, in the past, being really, really fond of porn was simply known as an addiction, kind of like an addiction to cocaine or Hot Pockets, or something.
But now, I guess people who spend most of their time watching porn are classified as a different sexual orientation. And it’s all thanks to technology and the convenience of having everything at our fingertips.
“The convenience of getting off online without the potential work, vulnerability, intimacy, and connection with others can be appealing to some,” sex therapist Christene Lozano told Medical Daily.
“Pornsexuals experience all of their sexual pleasure in isolation instead of shared,” says another sex therapist, Amanda Pasciucco.
According to Medical Daily, replacing normal P-in-V sex with porn isn’t any different than using drugs and booze to “numb the desire to be intimate with or share a deep connection with someone.”
Hmm. That kind of makes sense. You know, it’s basically the mentality of “Who needs sex when there’s porn?!” kind of similar to the mentality of “Who needs friends when I have Netflix?”
Yeah, so now you know! If you absolutely love porn and prefer your right hand to the warmth of an actual woman, you just might be a pornosexual.
H/T: Playboy / Medical Daily