Cars, Bikes, Planes and Boats Showcased in ‘Luxury Toys: Volume 2’
Take a wild ride with a new book packed with motorized lust objects.

Maxim readers and staffers alike regularly fawn over the beautifully0-made coffee tables books from German luxury publisher teNeues that we excerpt on occassion.

Their latest offering is a follow-up tome to the must-have Luxury Toys for Men. Luxury Toys: Volume 2 is is an unapologetic orgy of all the stuff you’d ever want to buy given (of course) that money is no object.

Covering electronics, transport, accessories and gadgets, it’s all the motorized goodies you ever dreamed of as a kid, plus a few you probably still aspire to own some day.

Underwater motorcycles, personal spaceships, the world’s coolest watches – you name it and it’s in here, so long as the detailing, craftsmanship, design, and materials qualify it as world class.

The oversized 220-pager has over 250 photographs plus text in English, German, and French – perfect for your supermodel girlfriend to read when she needs gift ideas.
Update: ‘Luxury Toys 2’ is currently sold out, but the original ‘Luxury Toys’ can be purchased here.