WATCH: Man Barely Escapes Northern California’s Inferno

This video of a man fleeing for his life through California's Valley Fire will make you sweat bullets.

On Saturday, Northern California’s Lake and Napa counties — located about 100 miles north of San Francisco — were blindsided by a fast-moving wildfire. Firefighters have been battling the blaze, which has already consumed 400 homes and forced thousands of residents to flee, over the weekend. One civilian fatality has been confirmed, and four firefighters have been hospitalized with second-degree burns. As of this morning, the 50,000-acre blaze, sparked by dry conditions resulting from a devastating four-year drought, remains “zero percent contained,” and with 30-mph winds fueling the inferno, many more homes and businesses are expected to fall.

Footage of the chaos reveals an apocalyptic landscape littered with smoldering foundations, burned out vehicles, and crumbling infrastructure. Here, a YouTube video uploaded by a NorCal resident captures the totality of the destruction from the perspective of someone fleeing right through the thick of it. It’s terrifying.

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