Size Really DOES Matter When It Comes to Male Fertility
This is big news.

Here’s the question of the century: Does size really matter?
Well, when it comes to sexual pleasure, many women say no, because it’s more about the way you work it and how attractive you are than how big your penis is.
But according to new research presented this week at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in Colorado, the answer is yes; size does matter…when it comes to fertility.
Apparently, men who aren’t too well-hung also tend to have more problems with fertility compared to men who are well endowed.
The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, recruited over 800 participants from a sexual health clinic and tracked them for three years.
The results revealed that men who struggle with infertility have, on average, a penis that is one centimeter shorter than those who don’t have reproductive issues. To be more specific, the average penis length was found to be 12.5cm (4.9 inches) for infertile men, and 13.4cm (5.3 inches) for fertile men.

“It may not be a striking difference but there was a clear statistical significance,” says head researcher Dr. Austen Slade.
Slade believes the reason for the relationship between a shorter penis size and infertility is likely due to underlying problems, such as hormonal disturbances or imbalances, or problems in the testes, which can lead to smaller penile length.
However, he also assures everyone that if you have a smaller peen but are otherwise completely healthy, there’s nothing to worry about.

“This is the first study to identify an association between shorter penile length and male infertility,” Slade says. “It’s possibly a manifestation of congenital or genetic factors that predispose one to infertility. For now, men with shorter penises don’t need to worry about their fertility.
“It remains to be determined if there are different penile length cut-offs that would predict more severe infertility,” he concluded.